what makes you qualified to coach people more successful, educated, and/or wealthy than you?
aka How can you coach CEOs when you've never been one?
Two ways to get experience:
- being it
- coaching many people like it
And even the practice "been there, done that' is limited. We paint in broad strokes to say "Oh, I've been in Operations / Product/ Engineering for X-years too, I get it" but if you actually dig in, your experiences, perceptions, and beliefs are far more different than you assumed. In fact, it's these assumptions that are damaging. You need to test all the ones you have and unlearn or update the ones that don't apply. Whereas I am always building from scratch with as few assumptions as possible. I let you create the world and then I step into it.
These perceived shortcomings actually make me MORE qualified
I get to ask dumb questions. I'm MORE capable of helping because I'm an outsider.
Truthfully, they're not DUMB questions.
They're intelligent, precise questions that I've genralized from specific knowledge in other domains.
I have ENOUGH about leadership, management, product development, etc (context) to be dangerous
(and I have actually sharpened both my theoretical knowledge and second hand to experience tremendously at places like Hone)
Certain mental models will map well, others not so well.
I get to throw a bunch of spaghetti at the wall and see what sticks.
Remember, it's a co-created process, a co-exploration. We each build on what the other one is saying. Together is how we earn insights.
Beneath it all, everybody is human
See beyond the title, the salary, and especially the educational credential signaling.
My grandfather used to say, "even the president puts on their pants one leg a time."
It's a person, with dreams and feats and little nervous ticks and weird preferences
Successful is relative. (There are two score cards going)
I'm "more" successful according to my definition. I generalize that to mean that people WANT to be living more aligned with their inner scorecards, not outer ones.
It's precisely what you know and how you see the world that created your current problem.
My goal isn't to solve your problem.
It's to show you how you are seeing, and therefore creating, your world. With that awareness, you can now solve your own problem.
- being it
- coaching many people like it
And even the practice "been there, done that' is limited. We paint in broad strokes to say "Oh, I've been in Operations / Product/ Engineering for X-years too, I get it" but if you actually dig in, your experiences, perceptions, and beliefs are far more different than you assumed. In fact, it's these assumptions that are damaging. You need to test all the ones you have and unlearn or update the ones that don't apply. Whereas I am always building from scratch with as few assumptions as possible. I let you create the world and then I step into it.
These perceived shortcomings actually make me MORE qualified
I get to ask dumb questions. I'm MORE capable of helping because I'm an outsider.
Truthfully, they're not DUMB questions.
They're intelligent, precise questions that I've genralized from specific knowledge in other domains.
I have ENOUGH about leadership, management, product development, etc (context) to be dangerous
(and I have actually sharpened both my theoretical knowledge and second hand to experience tremendously at places like Hone)
Certain mental models will map well, others not so well.
I get to throw a bunch of spaghetti at the wall and see what sticks.
Remember, it's a co-created process, a co-exploration. We each build on what the other one is saying. Together is how we earn insights.
Beneath it all, everybody is human
See beyond the title, the salary, and especially the educational credential signaling.
My grandfather used to say, "even the president puts on their pants one leg a time."
It's a person, with dreams and feats and little nervous ticks and weird preferences
Successful is relative. (There are two score cards going)
I'm "more" successful according to my definition. I generalize that to mean that people WANT to be living more aligned with their inner scorecards, not outer ones.
It's precisely what you know and how you see the world that created your current problem.
My goal isn't to solve your problem.
It's to show you how you are seeing, and therefore creating, your world. With that awareness, you can now solve your own problem.